Monday 2 September 2013

Commit or NOT to commit

It's really very simple.  I need to make changes.  Changes are easy to come up with in ones life; however, the commitment seems to be lost in translation with me.  I can commit with the thought but the follow-through is difficult.  Its always been like that as long as I can remember ....which lately isn't really saying much, some days I can't remember what I ate yesterday let alone this morning....

So the commitment I really want to stick to and plan to blog the next however many days it takes - so really I could be blogging about this issue for many, many months to come....geez what else is there to do with oneself?  IS...drumroll please......I WANT TO STOP EATING AT NIGHT.  For me this means after 8;30 to 9;00.  I love to eat one of my biggest meals after 9 pm.  Let's face it a nice full tummy sends a person (namely me) to bed feeling all warm and cozy even before I get there.  I find that it also releases any stressors from the day.  So...not so sure how to approach said commitment other than one night at a time.  I would ideally love to have this habit changed by the first of takes 21 days after all.  I just hope it's not like smoking, it takes something like 9 attempts to really kick the's to a night of commitments with some warmed up karate moves to kick come fat ass all over the commitment issue...see talk big for the first .....and keep that attitude forever more (NOT)...

to anyone who is in the same boat, what's your commitment issue? 
have a happy night snacking without me.